*For the Viwers
Hey viewers i wanna play a game xD. It's kinda like how people do with the queue at the woozband eventz (ex: pc me and winner gets...) oki so to play all you have to do is: read the questions below and msg me on woozworld or e-mail me (mrstigger1998@yahoo.com) winner will get 150 wooz and a free clothing item (hair, top, bottoms,or shoes) of your choice and ill show you in trade so u can pick or I'll be happy to just buy you an outfit (nothing over 400 wooz) so here are the questions: (anyone is welcome to entry)
1: What's my second favorite colors?
2: Where was I born?
3: How old am I?
4: What's my favorite junk food?
5:How many brothers and sisters do i have?
6: Whats my favorite T.V show?
7: How long have I been on woozworld?
8: Whats my favorite kind of cookie?
9: Who is my celebrity crush?
10: What's my favorite sport?
Just seperate your answers with a '','' and you don't have to put the question again this is easy as pie :) and if you have any questions leave them in the comments, the person (people) with the most correct answers wins (only 2 winners so HURRY) andGOODLUCK
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